Drinking Water Stations - Discover the Truth About What You Are Drinking

I'm shocked. Did you know that drinking water stations at your work can contain contaminated drinking water? It's true. Yet, millions of people use these every day at work.

Offices around the globe offer stations with the thought of providing safe drinking water. Fact is, this not the safest way to drink water.

So, how is it possible to have contaminated drinking water at these drinking water stations? Well, many offices do not properly take care of them. Cleaning these stations needs to be done on a regular basis. Most places do not do this. If they do, they use tap water to clean it and some unhealthy cleaning solution.

Taps, sinks, piping, and hoses will have build ups of contaminants. Using tap water will definitely not clean a drinking station properly. So, all of the purified water added to the station will be contaminated.

Do you know what is found in tap water? It's not good. Prescription drugs, pesticides, gasoline, fertilizers, and loads of other chemicals that are toxic are in your public water systems. This is what most offices use to clean out their water stations.

Plastic is used to store the purified water. I'm sure you've seen the large, blue colored jugs around. The problem with this is the plastic can break down over time. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but these jugs are re-used over and over again for years. The plastic breaks down and gives off a chemical that is a cancer causing agent.

People are drinking more water from these stations than ever before. There's a wave of health consciousness happening around the globe. Unfortunately, these good intentions are causing people to take in bacteria and chemicals from drinking water stations. Drinking contaminated water may be causing you more harm than good.

So, we know it's important to drink water throughout the day. What's the best way to do this in a safe and healthy manner? The only way is by using purified water from your home. To do this, you need the right purification system.

There is filtration systems that remove over 99% of all contaminates. They're inexpensive and very effective. You need to be purifying your own water and taking it to work with you. It's the only way to drink healthy.

So there you have it. Drinking water stations should not be used. Do yourself a favor; take care of your health and get a proper home filtration system today.
